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God Laughs - October 9, 2024

October 9, 2024 Viewing all things through the lens of the True and the beautiful! Subscribe for FREE! Pay if you want--or don't! Podcast The True God Laughs God is laughing. Yes, part of God’s laughter is certainly because of His “great delight in you,” which causes Him to “rejoice over you with singing” (Zeph. 3:17). Pause just a moment to revel in the Truth of the reality above. God’s rejoicing over you should not be glossed over. It is a blessing of unspeakable magnitude, and in fact is...

October 2, 2024 Viewing all things through the lens of the True and the beautiful! Subscribe for FREE! Pay if you want--or don't! Podcast The True Heaven's Gaze It was the moment when heaven looked away, and it is, for me, the most anguish-invoking moment in the Bible. This moment was foreshadowed in Psalm 22:1 and then recorded in Matthew 27:46 and Mark 15:34: “About three in the afternoon Jesus cried out in a loud voice, ‘Eli, Eli, lema sabachthani?’ (which means ‘My God, my God, why have...

September 25, 2024 Viewing all things through the lens of the True and the beautiful! Subscribe for FREE! Pay if you want--or don't! Podcast The True One There is only one. It is a simple concept, but because of its importance, it is repeated time and time again in scripture: “There is but one God…and there is but one Lord, Jesus Christ” (1 Cor. 8:6). “One Lord, one faith, one baptism, one God and Father of all, who is over all and through all and in all” (Eph. 4:5-6). “Jesus answered, “I am...

September 18, 2024 Viewing all things through the lens of the True and the beautiful! Subscribe for FREE! Pay if you want--or don't! Podcast The True The Tongue of Angels “If I speak in the tongues of men or of angels…” “If I have the gift of prophecy and can fathom all mysteries and all knowledge…” “[I]f I have a faith that can move mountains…” “If I give all I possess to the poor and give over my body to hardship that I may boast…” Each of these hypotheticals from 1 Corinthians 13 not only...

September 11, 2024 Viewing all things through the lens of the True and the beautiful! On this 23rd anniversary of the terror attacks on 9/11/2001, we pray for the families of those we lost. Never forget. Subscribe for FREE! Pay if you want--or don't! Podcast The True The Abyss The Abyss is a place of eternal death and misery. It is a place that, in Luke 8, even the demons begged to avoid. The Abyss is the embodiment of suffering and hopelessness. It is also the place your Lord braved and...

September 4, 2024 Viewing all things through the lens of the True and the beautiful! Subscribe for FREE! Pay if you want--or don't! Podcast The True Wealth Tom was correct. I am wealthy. So are you. Tom and I were discussing pigs, of all things. Tom is a neighbor and friend, and we joined with a third neighbor this year to purchase feeder pigs. Each family acquired one male and one female pig in the early spring, and now—nearly 300 pounds later—they are nearly fully grown out. But Tom had bad...

August 28, 2024 Viewing all things through the lens of the True and the beautiful! Subscribe for FREE! Pay if you want--or don't! Podcast The True We Build Create, create, create. Build, build, build. Those were my repeated thoughts as I stood in the Museum of Modern Art (MoMA) in New York City this week and observed our oldest son, Jude, browse the galleries. Jude and I were in the city for two days to celebrate his 16th birthday, and he came prepared with an impressive list of sites to see....

August 21, 2024 Viewing all things through the lens of the True and the beautiful! Subscribe for FREE! Pay if you want--or don't! Podcast The True Control We are all desperate to be in control. It starts as soon as we draw breath and is evidenced by a newborn’s crying out until his or her needs are met. It continues through childhood as we resist guidance and boundaries that are given and set for our own protection and good. It persists even in our mature adulthood as we desperately cling to...

August 14, 2024 Viewing all things through the lens of the True and the beautiful! Subscribe for FREE! Pay if you want--or don't! Podcast The True Ninety-Two Years Young How far in advance do you plan? I currently find it difficult to look more than a day or two into the future, but my 92-year-old grandma is planning her church’s revival service…which takes place next August! Grandma called me this week to invite me to speak at “Tabernacle” services at her church a year from now. As I...

August 7, 2024 Viewing all things through the lens of the True and the beautiful! The Equipped exists to encourage Jesus followers! Please spread the news and invite your friends and family to join us! It is always free to join! Subscribe for FREE! Pay if you want--or don't! Podcast The True Pure Joy Pure joy. What comes to mind when you hear those two words? The first image that pops into my head is that of a child, running and playing outside. There is something about the innocence of...