Keep it Simple - June 12, 2024

June 12, 2024

Viewing all things through the lens of the True and the beautiful!

The True

Keep it Simple

Following Jesus is not about being proven correct. “We are fools for Christ” (1 Cor 4:10). “The Lord will vindicate his people” (Ps. 135:14).

Following Jesus is not about proving others wrong. “Do not judge, or you too will be judged” (Matt. 7:1).

Following Jesus is about offering the Truth in an optimistic and attainable way to those who are currently without it. “Write down the revelation and make it plain on tablets so that a herald may run with it” (Hab. 2:2).

I tend to overcomplicate the gift of following Jesus. I want to be vindicated in the court of public opinion, even though God’s Word says I will be hated on account of Him (Matt. 24:1, Jn. 15:18). I feel a need to win a conviction of others in the same court when they do not embrace something I know to be eternally true.

In reality, neither of these things has anything to do with my mission to follow Jesus. In the beautiful simplicity of Christ’s finished work on the cross, I am redeemed without deserving it, and while I have the joy of sharing that redemption with others, their response has no impact on my own eternal security.

So the pressure is off!

It is from that free and liberated reality that you and I turn to our real work—communicating the incredible Good News of the Gospel in a way that others can not only grab hold of, but also spread!

Make no mistake about it, there is indescribable joy in pressing in for more of the character of God, and in knowing more of His inexhaustible goodness than you did before. That pursuit will not only continue until the day you die, but every day into all of eternity! It is in fact what He longs for from you in terms of your relating to Him (Is. 43:21).

But the beautiful complexities of our God are usually not where to start the conversation with others. In fact, just the opposite! You are invited to communicate the all-surpassing love and power of Jesus Christ in a way that can be easily understood, readily accepted, and simply shared!

So this week, consider how to keep it very simple. Who needs to hear that God loves them? How can you be the vessel through which they hear that? You—and they—have an eternity to explore the complexities of our God. But to get started, it requires your sharing of a simple and straight-forward truth!


Four Hostages Rescued

Israeli Defense Forces rescued four hostages who had been held by Hamas in Gaza. The hostages spent more than eight months in captivity after they were taken from a music festival on October 7, 2023. The rescue mission was met with significant opposition and intense fighting. According to Hamas officials, as many as 210 were killed during the operation. Of the approximately 250 hostages originally taken, 43 have been confirmed dead, and around 120 are believed to remain in captivity.

Meanwhile, the United Nations Security Council adopted a U.S.-sponsored resolution calling for a ceasefire and an end to the war between Israel and Hamas. While U.S. officials say Israel has already accepted the proposal, and there are similar reports from Egypt and Qatar about Hamas, neither Israel nor Hamas has formally moved to support the terms of the deal.

Analysis and eternal perspective: The consequences of the October 7, 2023 attack on Israel by Hamas continue to multiply. The injustice of civilian hostages is one that no country in the world would or should tolerate, and there will not be lasting peace until the remaining hostages are freed. As a result, the death toll continues to rise, including among civilians. As we pray for the families of the hostages and the fallen, remember the promises of Psalm 126:

“When the Lord restored the fortunes of Zion, we were like those who dreamed. Our mouths were filled with laughter, our tongues with songs of joy. Then it was said among the nations, “The Lord has done great things for them.” The Lord has done great things for us, and we are filled with joy. Restore our fortunes, Lord, like streams in the Negev. Those who sow with tears will reap with songs of joy. Those who go out weeping, carrying seed to sow, will return with songs of joy, carrying sheaves with them.”


More Cases

Politically charged legal cases are dominating the headlines in the United States. While much of the attention is focused on the various cases against former President Donald Trump, there are developments in two additional cases with significant political implications.

A jury in Delaware found Hunter Biden, the son of President Joe Biden, guilty of three felonies. The charges stem from the 2018 purchase of a firearm that prosecutors say—and the jury affirmed—was unlawful due to the younger Biden’s use of illegal drugs.

Meanwhile, Rudy Giuliani, former attorney to then-President Donald Trump, was booked in Arizona on charges of attempting to subvert the 2020 elections. Giuliani has pleaded not guilty, and the trial is likely to begin in the fall.

Analysis and eternal perspective: Equal justice under the law is a promise issued by America’s founding documents, and a biblical mandate woven throughout scripture (Ps. 82:3, Is. 1:17). It is also a concept that is far easier to express support for than to walk out. Each of us comes to politically charged cases with our own unique set of personal biases, and it is counter-intuitive to set those aside in favor of equal justice under the law.

As we consider these cases (and others in a similar vein), let us once again commit to the reminder from Proverbs 18:17, “In a lawsuit the first to speak seems right, until someone comes forward and cross-examines.”

Truth is not relative. As Jesus followers, our devotion is to biblical truth. Underneath that authority, the equal application of justice according to the rule of law is a noble pursuit. Realizing that goal requires consideration of both the argument we are naturally inclined to and the one we are not.


Change Elections

Worldwide elections continued to produce surprising results, as ruling parties encountered significant setbacks during balloting for the European Parliament. While the European People’s Party is still expected to hold more than 190 of the 720 seats in the EU assembly, challenger parties made gains across a wide swath of the 27 nations that make up the EU. In France, the National Rally party made such sweeping gains that President Emmanuel Macron—a member of the Renew party—dissolved the French parliament and called for snap elections.

Analysis and eternal perspective: Contested elections are a blessing of liberty. It is a truth worth regularly returning to when we consider the impact of elections at home or abroad. The long and broad sweep of history has all too often denied people a say in their respective governments. That remains the reality in many places of the world today, and it is therefore worth reminding ourselves that our God set liberty and freedom in our hearts (Gal. 5:1), and it is a good thing when the power of governing institutions belongs to the people.

As Jesus followers, we are called to use whatever freedom we possess to serve one another (Gal. 5:13). It is easy to allow the pursuit of governing freedom to become the end-all, be-all goal. You, however, are invited—and even called—to a far more impactful freedom—one that does not simply rest in you, but rather flows through you for the liberation and redemption of others. It is a freedom modeled by an all-powerful Savior who willingly surrendered to the cross.

As you consider change elections around the world, remember that your invitation to humbly serve and love others remains unchanged!

The Beautiful


The Creator’s attention to detail is unmatched, and there is just a bit of “extra” woven all throughout His handwork. There is flavor, spice, and sweetness in the plants of the field. Though you could simply crush them under foot, if you are attuned to His creative details, that which is easily overlooked can instead season your food, garnish your table, or even flavor your ice cream!

The same is true with the Creator’s pinnacle work: people.

If you will notice the details, there is immense beauty in those around you. They will add flavor and spice and sweetness to your life.

Then there is you! You, my friend, also bear the unique marks of having been formed by a loving and intentional Creator. The details of your being add intense beauty and enormous value to those around you! God has designed you with a bit of “extra” too. Share it boldly with the world!

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