Theirs and Yours - February 14, 2024

February 14, 2024

Viewing all things through the lens of the True and the beautiful!

The True

Theirs and Yours

“The only thing deemed not good in all of creation was man being alone.” Those were the words of Heather Zempel this past Sunday as she discussed the story of the four unnamed men who dug a hole through the dirt and clay roof above Jesus to lower a fifth unnamed man—an invalid—through the opening in order to gain an audience for him with Jesus.

The story is found in Luke 5, and it is remarkable, to say the least. The invalid man has his sins forgiven by Jesus and he is healed and able to walk out of the house carrying the mat on which he was lowered through the roof! All of this while the religious leaders of the day looked on and schemed to stem the tide of Jesus’ influence. Let’s just say that effort was thwarted when a paralyzed man got up and carried his bed home!

But it is a truth found in verse 20 I invite you to meditate on today and this week.

How often have you lacked faith for something? If you are like me, it happens with some regularity. In my experience, it can be particularly challenging to have faith to believe that God’s gift of forgiveness through His son Jesus is big, strong, and wide enough to cover the magnitude of my sins. As I grow in understanding of just how magnificent and holy my God is, I sometimes slip into worry about how and why He would still accept me in my depravity. Jesus said we need only have the faith of a mustard seed (Matt. 17:20), but I must confess, sometimes I can’t even muster that!

How about you? Does that sound at all familiar? Are there times your faith seems just too small? If so, Luke 5:20 is for you!

Why was the unnamed paralyzed man able to stand up and walk? Why was he able to carry his own bed with a strength unimaginable just a moment prior? Even more astonishing, why were his sins forgiven in an instant? Surely because he mustered the faith of a mustard seed! Wouldn’t that be your first guess? It would surely be mine!

But no! Luke 5:20 credits these astonishing developments not to the faith of the invalid man, but to the faith of his friends. “When Jesus saw their faith, he said, ‘Friend, your sins are forgiven.’”

Wow! To be clear, scripture repeatedly reminds us the free gift of salvation is offered to those who believe. In order to have eternal relationship with Jesus, the man on the mat—like each of us—must himself believe in Jesus. However, in this moment, Jesus took action not because of the man’s faith, but because of his friend’s faith.

There is a simple but profound and multi-faceted encouragement for us today. First, if you feel light on faith today, lean on a fellow Jesus follower! Let them speak healing and faith into you! Next, even if you feel light on faith for yourself, who can you lend some faith to today? Who in your world needs support, love, or encouragement? Might it just be that it is your faith that will make the difference in their world today?

“It is not good for the man to be alone” (Gen. 2:18). You were made for relationship. First with your Creator, and then with your fellow created. Often, it is in the relationships with those around you that your relationship with the Creator is restored. We are to do this together.

Because of their faith, you are made whole.

Because of your faith, they are restored.


Triumph and Tragedy

Super Bowl Sunday in America was a contrast of triumph and tragedy this year.

The game, which approximately 202 million people tuned in to watch at least a portion of, was historic in a number of ways. In addition to its record-setting audience, it was also the longest Super Bowl in history and the Kansas City Chiefs became just the eighth franchise to win back-to-back NFL championships (the Pittsburgh Steelers have accomplished the feat twice). Chiefs QB Patrick Mahomes won his third Super Bowl MVP, tying the 28-year-old for second-most of all-time.

Shortly before the bright lights of the game, a very different story played out near Houston, Texas, when a shooter opened fire inside Lakewood Church. Two off-duty officers quickly returned fire, and the shooter was killed, but not before a 7-year-old boy later identified as the shooter’s son was critically wounded and a man in his 50s sustained non-life-threatening injuries. The shooter has since been identified as having a history of mental illness, and has used both male and female identities. The investigation remains ongoing.

Analysis and eternal perspective: Baseball is far and away my favorite sport, but our family was among the 202 million who enjoyed watching the big football game. While the outcome of a sporting event pales in comparison to the magnificence of eternity, it is fun to watch someone like Mahomes demonstrate a calm under pressure that is clearly a cut above the rest. It is a trait that even the non-football fans in our family noticed, and it brought to my mind the encouragement of Mark 13:11 to lean on God’s provision of the Holy Spirit when we are pressed to provide a pressure-packed response for our faith in Jesus.

On the contrary, the story in Houston is heartbreaking on so many levels. We as Jesus followers should be in fervent prayer for the recovery of the young child who was put in harm’s way by the one he should have been able to most trust. We should also pray for the full recovery of the man who was wounded, and for those who will have emotional scars from experiencing the violence. Our hearts should also break for the brokenness on display in the life of the one who would engage in such a horrific evil. This story should remind us that our God knows well the human pain we experience. He desires to “heal the brokenhearted and bind up their wounds” (Ps. 147:3).

Triumph and tragedy are so often intermingled. We, as The Equipped, should be intentional in our awareness of the brokenness around us, and constantly seeking to offer the healing and restoration that flows from an identity in Jesus.


Take Two

Two legislative actions, one in the U.S. Senate and one in the U.S. House, have been approved on the second try.

First, the U.S. Senate approved a bill to send approximately $95 billion in aid to Ukraine, Israel, Taiwan, and a handful of other areas. The bill, which was passed by a vote of 66-33, did not include funding for the southern border of the U.S. after bipartisan negotiations on that issue produced a “deal” without sufficient support to be included. The newly approved bill faces stiff opposition in the U.S. House, where Speaker Johnson criticized it for being “silent” on U.S. border security.

Meanwhile, the U.S. House took a second vote to impeach Homeland Security Secretary Alejandro Mayorkas, and this time approved the impeachment by a single vote, 214-213. The U.S. Senate will be required to consider the impeachment, but is not expected to convict Mayorkas, which would permit him to remain as Secretary.

Analysis and eternal perspective: The gridlock in Washington, DC generally, and between the U.S. Senate and the U.S. House specifically, is nothing new. However, the partisan divide is perhaps as deep as ever, and with both chambers operating with very slim majorities (Republicans in the House and Democrats in the Senate), a significant amount of current “legislating” has more to do with the November elections than it does enacting law. You can be more equipped to process stories like these by keeping that reality in mind.

As for the path forward on these two issues, it remains true that both remained blocked. Our federal government continues to spend beyond its means without a plan to course correct, the wars between Israel and Hamas and Russia and Ukraine continue to wage, and the southern border continues to be chaotic and hazardous for both U.S. citizens and those seeking to immigrate to the U.S.

Each of these are important matters that impact the lives of millions pf people created in the image of God (Gen. 1:27). As you seek to positively impact them, Psalm 37:1-6 reminds you to “take delight in the Lord” even when the things of this world are perilous. Political winds will change, as will the party in charge of the White House and the two chambers of Congress. But your God is the same yesterday, today, and forever (Heb. 13:8).


Campaign Chaos

President Joe Biden and former President Donald Trump appear to be headed for a general election rematch in November. Each candidate, however, is facing some hurdles that are atypical, and which create an unprecedented campaign atmosphere.

First, Robert Hur, the Special Counsel tasked with investigating President Biden’s handling of classified information, released a 388-page report outlining his findings, which include a number of instances of poor memory on the part of the President. Despite the significant length of the report, the Special Counsel did not recommend prosecution.

Next, the U.S. Supreme Court heard oral arguments in a case challenging former President Trump’s eligibility to be a presidential candidate. As we have covered previously at The Equipped, the case centers on whether or not the former President engaged in “insurrection,” as well as which authorities are empowered by the U.S. Constitution to make such a determination.

Analysis and eternal perspective: The chaos surrounding the presidential election will continue relentlessly through November. This will include both substantive and hyperbolic developments. Our task as Jesus followers is to separate the useful from the detrimental, to equip ourselves with sound information, and above all, to love one another deeply even when surrounded by strong forces to the contrary (1 Pet. 4:8).

Let’s be honest with each other: It is going to feel impossible at times! Do not be discouraged. The American form of government was specifically designed for dissent and debate, which, if stewarded properly, is an effective way to fend off the ever-present threat of tyrannical leaders. You, in the meantime, were created with the capacity to channel power, love, and sound thinking even when surrounded by fear and division (2 Tim. 1:7). Ironically, that is an impossible goal if you are operating in your own strength. You, however, can be equipped with God’s strength even when you are at your weakest (2 Cor. 12:9)!

Yes, there will be chaos in the days ahead. But fear not, He who is in you is so much greater than the chaos (1 Jn. 4:4), and His peace will abide in you through it all (Jn. 14:27).

The Beautiful

Sweet Fragrance

In The True, we were reminded how our lives should both lend to and benefit from community with others. However, the ultimate objective for your life is that it would be a beautiful fragrance to your God! This week, let’s together aim for the goal of a life wholly yielded to Him!

“For we are to God the pleasing aroma of Christ” (2 Cor. 2:15).

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